Weil’s Feedback Style
At Weil, summer associates receive two formal reviews: one in the middle of the summer and one at the end. Our assigned summer partner mentors gather feedback from associates and partners with whom we have worked to ensure that we are learning and contributing our best work.
However, our reviews are not limited to two formal reviews. This summer, upon the closing of a transaction, the partner on the matter asked all associates who were on the deal to attend a post-closing discussion. In that discussion, the partner asked the associates and me for feedback. He asked us to opine on what we felt went smoothly with the deal and where we felt there were roadblocks. He wanted us to reflect on our roles and responsibilities in the sale and explained areas where we could be more efficient for our next deal. He then asked us how he, as a partner, could improve. This review stemmed organically from a transaction because the partner on the case took the time to mentor us.
The attorneys at Weil are constantly trying to improve to provide our clients with the best service. I appreciated the opportunity to participate in open and detailed discussions with attorneys who have a vast variety of experiences. I was able to work on substantive assignments this summer because partners and associates took the time to teach and guide me through it.