Assignments,  Mentoring,  Social Events

Court Visit by Day, Spy Museum at Night

During my first five weeks at Weil, I had the opportunity to not only gain exposure to the practice groups that I was interested in through both substantive work and observational assignments, but also to become acquainted with the firm’s culture through a variety of social events.

During my litigation rotation, I was given the opportunity to accompany a partner in the Southern District Court of New York to observe a hearing which covered a settlement for a securities class action and derivative suits. Before the hearing, the partner took the time to provide me with a complete overview of the case and described the key nuances that I should be attentive to during the hearing. Following the hearing, the partner debriefed the case with me and gave me the opportunity to ask questions about anything I was more curious about. This observational assignment showed me Weil’s true commitment to mentorship, and ensuring that summer associates are continuously learning throughout the summer.

Outside of the assignments I received throughout my rotation, Weil organizes several social events to ensure that summer associates are able to learn more about the firm’s culture. Last week I visited the Spy Museum with a smaller group of summer associates, associates, and partners. At the social (besides finding out what type of Spy I was!), I was able to meet individuals from the firm in an informal setting.  I am consistently impressed with how open and welcoming everyone at the firm is, their passion for the work they do, and their genuine interest in my career.

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