Attorney Growth Starts in the Summer Program
Starting your legal career can be a daunting experience in its own right – doing so at a prominent international law firm perhaps even more so. Not only are Weil summer associates eager to begin developing the skills needed to be excellent attorneys, but they also desire to do so at the highest level, working on some of the most sophisticated and cutting-edge legal matters in the world. And yet for many summer associates, their summer at Weil will be their first substantial experience at a law firm. Naturally, they will have many questions as their first day approaches, and even more as the summer progresses. Fortunately, the Weil summer program makes mentorship and training a central aspect of the program. In addition to the more formal trainings, the firm proudly brings together individuals that are not only exceptional attorneys, but also great mentors to budding associates. There is a strong emphasis on mentorship from the very top of the firm; the result is a firm culture that promotes attorney growth at all levels – a culture that is palpable throughout the summer program.
One of the ways Weil promotes mentorship in the summer program is through the pairing of summer associates with junior associates who act as “summer siblings” to their respective mentees. The more obvious benefit of this pairing is that junior associates are in the best position to identify with the summer associate experience – my ‘sibling’ is my first resource for questions about the firm, work and even just about things to do in the city. Furthermore, summer siblings take out summer associates each week for lunch, allowing summer associates to catch-up informally with their mentors on new developments as the summer progresses. This kind of close mentorship has made the summer experience less daunting, and more of a learning opportunity. It allows summer associates to grow not only as future attorneys, but as professionals within the firm.
The summer sibling pairing is certainly not the only way Weil demonstrates its commitment to mentorship throughout the summer. You will no doubt meet countless other resources, be they staff, recruiters, associates or partners; the summer experience might be your first step into the legal profession, but it is made easier by the strong culture of support and growth at Weil.