The Team Effort
MIAMI – As I hopped down the final stretch of grass in my potato sack, I was eager to reach the finish line and join my Weil colleagues in celebrating an impressive relay race victory. Shortly after high fives were exchanged, I realized we were also celebrating another milestone at the office-wide picnic: the halfway point of the summer program.
I write this post in the sixth week of my summer associate position at Weil, and time is flying so much faster than I was in that potato sack relay that day. In my weeks here, I have had the opportunity to work on high-stakes cases, research complex issues, observe oral arguments, join forces with associates across regional offices, and even work directly with a pro bono client. Not to mention the incredible events, food and mentorship that has allowed us to get to know the wonderful staff and attorneys of the Miami office.
But among all of the perks of the program, what stands out most to me about my time at Weil is the feeling of being valued as a member of a bold and collaborative team. Since the first day I walked in to the office, the attorneys here have tried to include the summer associates in as much as possible. But our work isn’t just for our benefit. On the contrary, we have received assignments that have been valuable to advancing our cases. Whether it is overcoming a hearsay obstacle or assisting a senior associate with deposition preparation, every assignment counts in the long run, and it is refreshing to receive work that truly matters.
Even more, the team atmosphere is infectious in the office. Every major filing has multiple eyes on it. Associates pick each other’s brains over coffee. The doors are always open. And all the while balancing their full plates and caseloads, associates don’t hesitate to sit down to explain the background of a case to someone not as familiar with it. And that can be said for every attorney in the office.
In many ways, working in Complex Commercial Litigation at Weil is like a relay race. Each person plays his or her role, and we all are working toward the goal of winning our case. There may be some sweating and hard work along the way, but as long as we each play our part, we should succeed. Hopping toward the finish line in a potato sack relay race isn’t the same as strategizing for trial, but there is one common denominator: unyielding teamwork.