Coffee: More than Caffeine
BOSTON – During my first year of law school, in my attempt to figure out what I ultimately wanted my career path to look like, I would talk to students who had finished the summer after their 2L year, trying to gauge what being a Summer Associate at a ‘Big Law’ firm was actually like. Of course I would hear about the work, the complexity of the matters, and the hands on legal education you cannot receive in a classroom. But, what was always mentioned without fail, was how incredible the “Summer Events” were. I heard about concerts, and happy hours, and scavenger hunts, and Broadway shows; I heard about a never-ending itinerary of Fun. When trying to describe to my non-law school friends what I had been led to expect after work hours, they would often retort with, “So, it’s summer camp for lawyers?” I was not led astray; there is never a question in my mind if there will be some incredible event planned in any given week.
What I had not anticipated, however, was how enjoyable, frequent, and valuable the impromptu activities would be. The attorneys at Weil make a real effort to get to know you, to pick your brain, and to let you to pick theirs. Whether it be a quick afternoon trip to grab a coffee or a late afternoon email asking you to a pre-work breakfast the next day, there is always an opportunity for summer associates to talk to attorneys in casual, smaller groups or one-on-one about the work, the firm, and the experience. It is in this way that I’ve been able to speak to partners about their personal career trajectory, and what brought them to Weil.
I’ve learned about common challenges facing first year associates and how they have managed to overcome them. I’ve learned about the array of pro bono opportunities being worked on in the office. I’ve heard war stories of complicated deals and how the firm prevailed in the end. Attorneys have asked me, genuinely interested in the answers, about what kinds of deals I’ve had the chance to work on thus far and if there was anything in particular I wanted to gain from the summer. These interactions even led to my being staffed on an additional matter that would allow me to get the exposure I was seeking. It is evident that the people at Weil care. They care about your personal life and they care about your professional growth.
While I am beyond grateful for and thrilled with the Summer Program Event Calendar (don’t get me started on the dinner menu at Stir!), the unscheduled events I’ve had the opportunity to partake in since starting at Weil have been a true pleasure and a fantastic introduction into the world of ‘Big Law.’