The Weil Difference
NEW YORK – My phone rang. The caller was unknown—a New York number I didn’t recognize. On the other end was my Summer Sibling (a more experienced attorney with whom summer associates are paired for the summer) and my first taste of the Weil Difference.
Even before I walked in the door on my first day of the summer, I understood that Weil is truly a different place. The people here care about making your summer great—in all aspects of the word.
On my first deal, a junior associate took the time to meet with me for an extended period of time to discuss what the important points of contention were and why we wanted certain things for the client. While it was probably simple for him, the discussion was incredibly helpful for my understanding and helped me better my work on the matter.
The crux of my summer experience thus far has been observing deal teams at various stages in the process of selling a company. On just the second day of my summer, I had the opportunity to sit in on in-person negotiations. Never in a million years would I have thought that would be part of my summer, but the people on the team genuinely felt that it would be a great learning experience for me. I find it hard to disagree.
These are not normally things you would expect to happen. If the people here didn’t truly care about my future and my success, I am confident that I wouldn’t be given these opportunities. At Weil, everyone—from the summer associate to the Senior Partner—becomes an integral part of the same team.
One thing I find particularly comforting is that Weil pairs you with a Summer Sibling. This relationship allows you to better learn the ins and outs of the Firm while ensuring that you can ask every question you may have without hesitation.
Weil is full of people who genuinely want to see you succeed. Even though we are just a few weeks into the summer, I already feel like I am a part of a culture that focuses on building everyone up.