Fun in Private Funds
One of the great things about the Weil Summer Program is the ability to rotate through more than one department. During my first six weeks, I rotated through the Corporate Department. While you may come in knowing you want to be either transactional or litigation, rotating through multiple groups can open your eyes to new areas of the law or confirm your initial views.
Personally, rotating has done both. I came in really interested in the Private Equity practice. Through my experience, I have had the opportunity to listen on phone calls, draft ancillary documents, and learn about the strategy and structure behind high-powered deals. I confirmed my interest in Private Equity, but also discovered the Private Funds group within the firm.
The Private Funds group is a practice within Private Equity that focuses on private fund formation, in addition to servicing funds in their day-to-day operations and clients who are investors in private funds. I found this work to be rewarding not only because of the specialized skillset developed by this practice, but also because of the high-profile clients who choose Weil because of its reputation for excellence. The attorneys within the group also make it enjoyable work. They work as a cohesive unit and take the time to make sure each summer associate is quickly brought up to speed on the projects they work on.